Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Ben had Spring Break last week and we have been out having such a good time. I never wanted it to end:( I swear I never got dressed, I stayed in either a swimsuit or sweat pants the entire time! It was the best. (we spent it in Waikaloa--other side of island)

a few favorite things we all got to do
Ben: cook/grill ribs and eat every last one on his own, go on a 6 hour fishing trip (too bad he didn't catch anything:(...)
Marcie: sleep in a few days, drink fruity drinks, drive to south point, take super long naps
Presley: swim and chase turkeys every night (the turkeys came through every evening and you could hear them gobble.) P loved it!
Layla: swim in her baby tube. She loved being free and able to walk back and forth in the 15 inches of water.

Enjoy slide show

P and Layla swimming

Presley Chasing the Turkeys (She wanted to see them every night!)