P has been having a blast all summer! She is at a good age to start site seeing. We went to the KC Zoo, T-rex exhibit, planetarium, Chuck-E cheese, water park, playing at the dock on grandpas lake property-- you name it. She is becoming a good big sister (this took a while-- I think she thought Layla was a play doll for a while-hahah).. Plus she is really talking now. I cant count how many words she knows and she greets us every morning with a "hey mom, what you doing?" so cute..
Ok, I know its been a while. We are at my parents house in the mainland for the summer (Ben is interning in KC) and their Internet is a little in the dark ages!--haha:) But here goes--- this is a short update on what we have been doing (I don't have a photo editor on the comp--so you have to deal with red eye;0)
Both Presley and Layla are doing well and growing like weeds. Esp Layla-- I think she is even bigger then P was at her age (if that's possible:)... Enjoy--