Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer, I will miss you!

Everyone is going to miss jumping on our new trampoline. It was probably the best buy ever! The girls love it, but putting it together wasn't so fun.

You may think this is just a cute pic of P, but she is really hiding a tool behind her back.

Both girls wanted to help dad

Its a low to the ground fully enclosed 8 ft trampoline--seriously perfect for kids! Plus I can even jump on it, so they will love it for years to come.

I am going to miss my cherry tomato plants!

The girls are going to miss their oasis pool!

We are going to miss how tiny our newest addition is. Presley named him Tuc and the girls are in LOVE! I'm not sure Tuc is, he hides when they come near!

I am going to miss Tuc's room. He lives on our back porch right now, but it in the winter we will have to move him inside. Right now the girls are forced to have monitored visits with Tuc. But most of the time I catch them standing on chairs to watch him.

What? We aren't standing on chairs!