Friday, August 22, 2008

Drink this?

Lately I have started trying new things and forcing Ben to do them with me. I was looking online trying to find a natural supplement to cure wrinkles and found a link to foods that heal, including skin. So I am now growing my own wheat grass, cooking barley and sweetening my yogurt with Brazillian acai berries. You might as well wrap me up and put me in a Koshi box because I have stepped into the relm of granola. Apparently they are all supposed to do amazing things for your body, I'll let you know how it works for me. I still have about 3 more days of growth before I put this grass in my mouth.


Lindsay said...

i'm so behind! i haven't even bought my seeds yet and your grass is already 5 inches tall!

gratefulmouse said...

good keep that up..its a good thing to do remember me doing it...i have to be careful though of even fresh im allergic to everything..will send you an email with the latest..take care of yourselves..miss you much and moving next week God you guys..mother vickie

Unknown said...

That's funny that Ben is becoming a pharmacist, and you're looking for natural ways of healing.

Don't get me wrong, I also think it's the way to go.

By the way, I just heard something interesting about Vitamin B17 and cancer. I don't have an opinion on it just yet, but I am doing research. You should take a look.