Monday, September 14, 2009

My cute Girls

Sunday we drove to Volcano state park and ate a picnic lunch. The girls looked so cute in these photos I couldn't resist posting them.


Jeremy.Celeste said...

Marcie, your daughters are so beautiful. What fun pictures of them. I really like the one where they are looking at each other.....:) So cute!

Tiffany Buhman said...

This looks like such fun! I love layla's cheeks they are awesome! Tell presley I mailed her package today. Here is a hint, "tinkerbell". We love you!!

Amy said...

Love it!! Layla is getting SO big! BTW.... they shipped P's present today, I just got an email, so who knows how long it'll take before it gets there! LOL

Lindsay said...

so so cute. you can tell presley loves her little sister. and layla has the cutest cheeks and rolls ever!