Today is my sisters birthday.These are a few of my favorite memories of her:
1) Twirling a fire baton in a red polka dot uniform at my 2nd grade Assembly (she had super long hair and I kept thinking it was going to catch on fire).
2) Playing barbies together for HOURS or until our legs fell asleep from sitting with our legs crossed.
3) Letting me go out on my friends graduation night even though I was supposed to be grounded (mom and dad left her in charge:) Don't worry-- your too old to get in trouble now-hahah;)
4) Going to movies with me when mom and dad moved us to Missouri the summer before my senior year in high school (I didn't know anyone yet so we hung out alot).
5)Taking a propane curling iron to girls camp so she could make sure she could curl her famous bangs under any circumstances (just in case a boy happened to sneak into camp--hahah just teasing Tiff).
6) Sitting in moms white Lincoln (in our drive way) listening to "Winds Beneath my Wings" by Bette Midler- she listened to it over and over until she had all of the words of the song written down so she could memorize it.
7)Singing "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme me What I Cry For..." solo as part of your 8th grade choir program.
8)Singing Reba Mcentir's song in your leather-fringe outfit at the local county scholarship pageant.. (for those of your who didn't grow up in Duncan-- this was actually normal-- but still super funny--hahahah)
Happy B day sis:)