Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kaumana Caves

We ran across these really cool caves driving around. Of course I am too big to be climbing around in them, plus they aren't lighted and you need flashlights and tennis-shoes so we only looked around the entrance. They were formed a LONG time ago by lava. Pretty cool- enjoy.


Melanie Hahn said...

so beautiful there! GREEN!!!! That will be a very fun place to hike in when the pregnancy is over!

Lorilee said...

we went to these caves right after we first moved here... they are pretty awesome. i was scared to hike down into the pitch darkness (with no flashlight), but got talked into it my my sister who was visiting.

Lindsay said...

i didn't even know these existed! i would love to see them. although i'd probably hurt myself if i went through them being pregnant, so maybe i'll wait.